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Magical Thinking: From Clinical Psychology to Social Norms

Magical thinking is a way of perceiving and interpreting the world that is based on beliefs in the supernatural, symbolism, and rituals. Modern psychology often compares magical thinking to pathological states such as schizophrenia, pointing out its irrationality and deviation from scientific worldviews. However, magical thinking is not solely a symptom of mental disorders; it has deep roots in human culture and social behavior.

In clinical psychology, magical thinking is considered a component of various mental disorders, particularly schizophrenia, where patients often exhibit delusional ideas and beliefs with no real basis. However, magical thinking is also present in the everyday lives of healthy individuals, reflecting a deeper psychological and cultural need.

Magical thinking originates in the way children perceive the world. Children are prone to magical thinking when their understanding of the world is not yet structured and constrained by logical frameworks. Adults, retaining some of this childlike perception, continue to use magical thinking as a way to interact with their surroundings. For example, a child might believe that their cry or wish directly influences reality, and adults sometimes continue to use symbolic actions and rituals to achieve their goals.

Magical thinking has become an integral part of social life. Rituals, ceremonies, and divination are all forms of magical thinking that are embedded in culture and traditions. They play a significant role in uniting society, creating a sense of belonging and stability. For instance, wedding ceremonies, religious rituals, and even everyday superstitions demonstrate that magical thinking has become a norm in our society.

Despite the progress of science and the development of critical thinking, magical thinking remains a resilient component of the human psyche. Scientific dogmas and magical thinking coexist, sometimes contradicting each other, but often complementing. People can simultaneously believe in scientific theories and participate in rituals or consult fortune-tellers for advice.

Modern psychology should acknowledge the importance of magical thinking and develop a new direction—magical psychology. This field would integrate magical methods into psychological practice to improve people’s quality of life. Magical psychology could include the use of rituals, symbolism, and other forms of magical thinking to achieve psychological well-being.

Magical thinking is an important aspect of the human psyche that should not be ignored or simplified to a symptom of mental disorders. It is a complex phenomenon deeply rooted in culture and society, and understanding it can lead to new approaches in psychology, such as magical psychology, which can more fully meet people’s needs.

Divination and other forms of predictive magic often evoke skepticism and dismissive attitudes in contemporary society. However, for individuals with a magical mindset, these practices are as effective and meaningful as psychological testing is for those with a critical mindset. This raises important questions about the value and recognition of divination in our society.

Divination encompasses various methods of predicting the future or gaining insights into the unknown. These practices include tarot readings, astrology, runes, and other forms of augury. For those who embrace magical thinking, divination serves as a powerful tool for understanding their lives and making decisions.

In contrast, psychological testing relies on scientifically validated methods to assess personality traits, cognitive abilities, and emotional states. These tests, such as the MMPI or IQ tests, are widely accepted in psychological practice and provide valuable insights for individuals who rely on critical thinking.

Despite their different foundations, both divination and psychological testing aim to provide guidance and understanding. For individuals with a magical mindset, divination offers insights and clarity similar to how psychological tests serve those with a critical mindset. Both methods help individuals navigate their lives, make decisions, and understand themselves better.

Given the parallels between divination and psychological testing, it is important to challenge the societal tendency to dismiss or ridicule divinatory practices. Just as psychological testing is respected and valued, divination should also be recognized for its efficacy among those who practice and believe in it. This calls for a more inclusive and respectful attitude toward different belief systems and practices.

To bridge the gap between these two worlds, integrating divinatory methods into psychological practice could be beneficial. This approach, which can be termed as «integrative psychological practice,» would allow practitioners to use divination as a complementary tool for those who resonate with magical thinking. It would respect the individual’s belief system while providing psychological support and guidance.

Divination and predictive magic play a crucial role for individuals with a magical mindset, offering them the same level of guidance and clarity that psychological testing provides to those with a critical mindset. Recognizing and respecting these practices can foster a more inclusive society. Integrating divination into psychological practice could create a holistic approach that acknowledges and supports diverse ways of understanding and navigating life.

People with magical thinking see the world entirely differently from those who rely on critical thinking and scientific explanations. For them, every element of nature has its own soul and unique energy. This perception of the world allows them to find harmony with both the external and internal worlds and to see things that ordinary people cannot.

For people with magical thinking, a stone is not just an inanimate object but a being with a soul and history. The air is filled with celestial entities, mermaids inhabit the water, and Earth spirits dwell underground. This perception of the world gives them a deep sense of connection with nature and an understanding that everything in this world is interconnected and possesses its own energy and consciousness.

This unique vision of the world allows people with magical thinking to find harmony with both the external and internal worlds. They perceive every phenomenon and object as part of a larger whole, helping them find balance and inner peace. This perception enables them to discover new aspects of reality and see hidden connections and interactions.

The psyche of people with magical thinking becomes a conduit and reproducer of the force known as magic. This force can influence both their own psyche and the psyches of others, even from a distance. Magical thinking provides access to sources of energy and knowledge that remain out of reach for people with traditional worldviews.

People with magical thinking can use their abilities to impact others. They can heal, predict the future, protect, and help. Their connection with invisible worlds allows them to be conduits of energy that can change the lives of others and bring positive changes to their destinies.

Magical thinking offers a unique perception of the world where every element of nature has its own soul and energy. This perception helps people with magical thinking find harmony with both the external and internal worlds and use their power to influence others. Such a worldview opens up new horizons and possibilities that are inaccessible to those confined to traditional scientific perspectives.

Magical thinking, when highly developed in an individual, serves as the key to unlocking the mysteries of nature and the universe. It symbolically grants a magical scepter of power, providing the bearer with an understanding and mastery of natural and elemental forces. This unique perception also allows communication with entities whose consciousnesses are entirely different from human nature. Historically, such individuals have been called magicians, witches, and sorcerers.

For those with a strongly developed magical mindset, the world reveals itself in ways inaccessible to ordinary perception. This heightened awareness grants them access to the hidden truths of nature and the cosmos. It offers an understanding of the forces and energies that govern the universe, allowing them to see beyond the physical world.

Possessing a magical mindset provides individuals with the ability to wield and manipulate natural and elemental forces. This mastery is not merely symbolic but translates into practical applications through rituals, ceremonies, and spells. The magical scepter represents this power, granting the bearer a certain level of control and influence over the elements.

Individuals with a magical mindset can communicate with entities that exist beyond human comprehension. These entities, whether spirits, elementals, or otherworldly beings, possess consciousnesses vastly different from our own. Through magical thinking and practices, these individuals establish contact and interact with these entities, gaining wisdom and guidance from realms unseen by most.

Practical magic is grounded in the successful performance of rituals, ceremonies, and spells. Those who belong to the biologically dominant 5% minority, when performing these practices correctly, can achieve significant results. This minority, often referred to as magicians, witches, and sorcerers, harnesses their innate abilities and magical thinking to influence the world around them.

Practical magic exists at the intersection of science and art. Its principles and practices defy strict scientific categorization, as they blend empirical observation with creative expression. The methodologies of magic are not easily formulated through conventional scientific methods, as they encompass a holistic understanding that transcends purely rational analysis.

Magical thinking, when highly developed, unlocks the secrets of nature and grants mastery over elemental forces. It allows communication with non-human entities and forms the basis of practical magic, which intertwines science and art. This unique mindset enables individuals to access powers and insights beyond the reach of conventional understanding, affirming the profound and mysterious nature of magical practice.

Among people, there exists a biologically active minority capable of concentrating and directing energy in special situations. With a high degree of magical thinking and willpower, they can change objective reality using energies that modern science has yet to define but already hypothesizes about.

Modern science is gradually becoming aware of the existence of energy fields and forces that were previously considered fictional. These hypotheses open new horizons for understanding how magical thinking can interact with reality. People with highly developed magical thinking can use these energies to influence the surrounding world, making changes that seem impossible from a traditional scientific perspective.

Within this active minority, some are inclined to practice black magic. They work with demonic entities, Qliphothic, and infernal worlds. This practice is not only a way to influence reality but also serves as their psychological protection and a source of psychological comfort.

Magical thinking often intertwines with religion and mysticism. Those who practice black magic find in it not only a way to interact with dark worlds but also a form of spiritual refuge. Interaction with demons and other infernal entities gives them a sense of power and control, contributing to their inner balance and harmony.

«Tarot Satans» is a tool created for people with strong magical thinking and an inclination towards dark worlds and black magic. Working with this tool allows them to interact with demonic entities, creating psychological protection and order in their lives. From a scientific perspective, this can be seen as successfully performed psychocorrection and psychotherapy.

People with highly developed magical thinking and the ability to direct energies have the right to their practices and methods. Black magic, working with demonic entities, and using tools like «Tarot Satans» are their ways of achieving psychological comfort and protection. These practices, although beyond traditional scientific understanding, significantly impact their lives and help them find harmony with the inner and outer world.

Last year, I earned my master’s degree in practical psychology, and my thesis focused on the psychological characteristics of individuals with strongly pronounced magical thinking. This summer of 2024, I submitted my documents to a European university for a doctoral program in social psychology, where I aim to establish a new direction in psychology. This direction may reflect the ideas discussed in this article and could be named Magical Thinking, Magical Psychology, Occult Psychology, or Esoteric Psychology.

My thesis on the psychological traits of people with strong magical thinking explored how this mindset affects their perception of reality, their interaction with the world, and their psychological well-being. As I move forward with my doctoral studies, my goal is to formalize and expand this area into a recognized psychological discipline.

The proposed new field in psychology aims to study the unique cognitive processes and experiences of individuals who engage in magical thinking. This includes examining their use of rituals, divination, meditation, astral projection, and interaction with mystical entities. By understanding these practices, we can gain insights into how they contribute to the psychological health and stability of these individuals.

One of the first instruments to aid in this new field is the «Tarot Satans» deck. This deck allows for the exploration of a wide range of topics, from divination to ritual magic, from meditation to astral projection, and journeys through the Qliphothic worlds of the Tree of Life. By using this deck, individuals with a magical mindset can deepen their understanding and practice of these esoteric arts.

«Tarot Satans» is not just a tool for divination; it serves as a gateway to various esoteric practices. It can guide users through rituals of enchantment, meditation techniques, and astral journeys. These practices are integral to the lives of those with a strong magical mindset, providing them with psychological protection and comfort.

The development of this new psychological field seeks to bridge the gap between science and mysticism. By scientifically studying the cognitive and psychological processes of those who practice magical thinking, we can validate and understand their experiences in a way that respects both scientific inquiry and mystical tradition.

The establishment of a new psychological discipline that studies magical thinking—whether called Magical Psychology, Occult Psychology, or Esoteric Psychology—has the potential to enrich our understanding of the human mind and its capabilities. The use of tools like «Tarot Satans»can facilitate this exploration, providing practical applications and deeper insights into the interplay between mystical practices and psychological well-being. This innovative approach promises to offer a holistic understanding of human cognition that embraces both empirical and esoteric knowledge.

Satan taro card